Tuesday, June 28, 2011,9:50 AM
Combined Rehearsal 3
Date: Saturday, 2nd July 2011Reporting Timing (cadets): 10.00am (Registration starts at 10.00am)
Reporting Venue: Red Cross HQ, Haw Par Hall (Level 2)
Training Venue: Marina floating platform
Dismissal Timing (est): 9.30pm
Attire: Full Red Cross Uniform with headgear
Things to bring:
- Labeled 1.5L Water Bottle (Ice Mountain)
- Personal Medication (if any)
- Spectacle Hooks/ bands (Black)
- Gloves
- $11.70 exact for NDP t-shirts (For those who have yet to pay)
*Remember no money, no honey... ooops i mean no money, no NDP T-Shirt ;) So those who have yet to pay, please bring the exact amount and pay up during the next training.
*Just a reminder, we've received details that there would be a City March during the next training. So do be informed that estimated release time would be later than the previous training's. So please make sure you inform your parents regarding this update!
Advisory Notes:
1) All members are advised to have their breakfast before reporting to HQ.
2) Lunch and Dinner will be provided by the SAF.
3) Attendance is Compulsory unless your school is still having their mid year exams. All officers are strongly encourage to ensure that their members attend these trainings. Units whose cadets are absent, without any official documentation, would loss out on EUA points due to insufficient attendance by their members.
4) Any member(s) not feeling well is(are) advised to inform the duty instructor / duty officer on that day.
5) All members wearing spectacles are advised to use spectacle hooks or a spectacle band.
Sunday, June 26, 2011,4:13 PM
Thank you to our dear contingent commander, Mildred ma'am in giving this blog it's much needed 'resuscitation'. I couldn't bear with the previous blogskin and some refurnishing is much needed! And here comes Mildred ma'am to the rescue! T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U :)
Okay... here's a short post to summarise your performance during yesterday's training. Hold on, before i begin... Wow Wow wasn't yesterdays training A-W-E-S-O-M-E?! But i'm sure everyone would have to agree with me, indeed it was tiring -____-
10am to 9pm! Gosh, abit too long to be standing under the hot sun and doing drills non-stop. But worth-it, wasn't it?? and oh my god the lunch!!!! K freaking F freaking C = KFC! Hahaha :)
Back to serious matters, your performance! Few more trainings before NE Shows begin, what do you think of your performance, so far? Up to standard? Simple; I definitely believe that there were improvements. Up to standard? Definitely yes but is it your best? Nope. Work on being a contingent! i highlight it again, A CONTINGENT! We don't want to see individuals in a squad, we want to see A SQUAD! Get the difference?!
Well done! I am beyond delighted that at the least i could see everyone in the contingent marching on the same timing and trying their utmost best to keep up with the very very very super fast timing! (just take note, try slowing down your timing. this could help you take larger strides while marching since that is what the SAF trainers want from all of you). But a few points to take note when marching, synchronise your arm swings and dressing still needs improvements!
For now, have a deserving rest and in the mean time, don't forget to wash your uniform and prepare yourself for another long wait before the next training! Wheeeee excited much :)
Friday, June 24, 2011,1:04 PM
So here it is again! The Friday before the training where everyone's busy doing up their uniform to it's utmost condition! So, here's a post as a gentle reminder for all of you :)
"Once you're beat mentally, you might as well not even go to the starting line."
If it took you more than 10 seconds to understand the above quote, no need to worry... I'm here to explain and link it to whatever you will (or have had) experience throughout your stay in the NDP family! "Once you're beat mentally..." simply suggests that if you gave up and don't bother putting in effort... you've already lost half of the 'battle'. And in terms of footdrill, 'giving up and not putting in effort' referred to how some just are being plain ignorant/lazy by not raising up their legs or even swinging their arms to the expected height. You might be tired and stuff but in case you didn't realise, everyone else is. so it doesn't give you the exception of not performing at your best like how some of your other squad mates have been doing at every rehearsal! (they deserve compliments, commendable effort)
And as the quote goes on saying "... you might as well not even go to the starting line," it further reiterates and reemphasizes the point on how there is no point in doing whatever you are doing if you're doing it halfheartedly. As i always say, YOU DECIDE! you have the mental capability of a young adult to decide how much effort you want to put in. And try imagining yourself in this scenario; You realised you overslept... Would you still come for the training? Or would you just whine in bed and not turn up? What would you do?
Monday, June 20, 2011,12:52 PM
Egggggcited for the upcoming training?!
So anyway, how was the previous training and correct me if i'm wrong, first training over at the beautiful setting of Marina Bay Floating Platform? To get on with it, following are the details of the next training. Do take note of the things to bring as additional things are required for the next training! Besides that, have a good rest, enjoy your holidays (when you still can) and don't forget, please, please, please take care of yourselves! :)
Next Training:
Date: Saturday, 25th June 2011
Reporting Timing: 10.00am (Registration starts at 10.00am)
Reporting Venue:
15 Penang Lane, S'pore 238486Red Cross HQ, Haw Par Hall (Level 2)
Training Venue: Marina floating platform
Dismissal Timing (est): 9.15pm
Attire: Full Red Cross Uniform with headgear
Things to bring: - Labeled 1.5L Water Bottle (Ice Mountain)
- Personal Medication (if any)
- Spectacle Hooks/ bands (Black)
- Marching Gloves
- Honey & Bee's Gift
- $11.70 exact for NDP t-shirt
Advisory Notes:
1) All members are advised to have their breakfast before reporting to HQ.
2) Lunch and Dinner will be provided by the SAF.
3) Attendance is Compulsory unless your school is still having their mid year exams. All officers are strongly encourage to ensure that their members attend these trainings. Units whose cadets are absent, without any official documentation, would loss out on EUA points due to insufficient attendance by their members.
4) Any member(s) not feeling well is(are) advised to inform the duty instructor / duty officer on that day.
5) All members wearing spectacles are advised to use spectacle hooks or a spectacle band.
Thursday, June 16, 2011,9:45 PM
Next Training:
Date: Saturday, 18th June 2011
Timing: 0945h - 2115h (Registration starts at 0945h)
Reporting Venue: Red Cross House (Headquarters)
Training Venue: Marina Bay Floating Platform / F1 Paddock
Attire: Full Uniform (Expects improvements from last week)
Things to Bring:
- 1.5L Water Bottle (Ice Mountain) (Properly Labelled) (Water Filled to the the brim)
- Personal Medication (Inhaler etc.)
- Spectacle Hooks
- Honey and Bee's Gift
*Remember to have your breakfast!
Thursday, June 9, 2011,9:55 AM
Date: Saturday, 11th June 2011
Timing: 0900h - 1900h (Registration starts at 0845h)
Attire: Full Uniform (in Tip Top Condition)
Training Venue: Nee Soon Camp
Things to bring:
- 1.5L Water Bottle (Ice Mountain) (Labelled)
- Personal Medication (Inhaler etc.)
- Spectacle Hook (For those with Spectacles)
- Honey and Bee Gift(s) if any
- Marching Gloves
- $15
Reporting venue:
Red Cross HQ, Lounge (Level 1)
15 Penang Lane, Singapore 238486 (Look at map attached)
Getting there
Bus Services: 7, 14, 14e, 16, 36, 65, 77, 106, 111, 124, 128, 162, 167, 171, 174, 175, 190, 700
- Alight at the bus stop opposite Park Mall
MRT Station: Dhoby Ghaut
*Do have 8 hours of sleep before training.
*Have your
breakfast before training.
*Please plan out your traveling route.
Here's a website that could assist you:
*Do not be late. (important)
Advisory Notes:
1) All members are advised to have their breakfast before reporting to HQ.
2) Lunch will be provided by the SAF.
3) Attendance is Compulsory unless your school is still having their mid year exams. Units whose cadets are absent, without any official documentation, would loss out on EUA points due to insufficient attendance by their members.
4) Any member(s) not feeling well is(are) advised to inform the duty instructor / duty officer on that day.
5) All members wearing spectacles are advised to use spectacle hooks or a spectacle band.
P.s IT'S ALL UP TO YOU! Always Endure and train your mental capabilities; always tell yourself you can do it, no matter how close you are to giving up!
Sunday, June 5, 2011,1:52 PM
So after 4 days of 9am - 6pm intensive trainings, what's your perception of NDP now?
I just hope you guys are enjoying the trainings! :) Coz i know i did!
Are you all excited to move over to Marina Bay Floating Platform for trainings? I'm definitely am! so, just remember 18th June is the date; trainings would be at the Floating Platform, so i hope i'll have full attendance from that day onwards.
in the meantime, continue to persevere for the upcoming trainings and please be reminded that your commitment to this event is a necessity in reserving yourself a spot in the contingent! Back to the trainings, how was yesterday's training? i know the weather wasn't on our side but i'm sure you all had a great time, especially when it was raining and you all need not need to stand under the hot sun for the parade. Thank God, yesterday's weather wasn't as bad as it could get. the weather was indeed quite shady and Mr Golden Sun wasn't at it's greatest brightness.
hmmm our thoughts on your performance... as said by Qing Xiang Sir, "its a 5 out of 10" agreeing to it; many of you were having difficulty in checking your dressing due to the 6 empty blanks within the contingent. so, those absentees, you've got some explaining to do to your squad mates. Remember, your absence would affect the WHOLE contingent. so please be considerate and try your utmost best to attend all trainings!
And for those of you who are starting to feel the burden of coming to trainings, the burden of always getting corrected by the instructors and at the verge of giving up, here's a quote for you:
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength,
not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."
Always tell yourself you can do it. If you have the right attitude and mindset, you will easily ace through the trainings. There is a limit to what the instructors can do, other than that, IT'S UP TO YOU! persevere, endure and you'll get the achieve success at the end of it.